Wonsulting Review: A Deep Dive into Robert Benedict's Successful Transition into Data Analytics

Success Stories


Are you paid to do what you love?

Robert was a paid musician before COVID hit. Then he transitioned into something completely unexpected.

In this blog post, you’ll learn about his story and see how a bit of self learning and discipline transformed into a successful career in Data Analytics.

Let’s dive in.

From a Melody of Uncertainty to a Symphony of Success

Wonsulting Review: Robert Benedict

Meet Robert Benedict

His journey to career success could be a fascinating novel filled with perseverance, resilience, and a triumph against all odds. Hailing from the neon desert oasis of Las Vegas, Robert's beginnings were anything but conventional. 

His undergrad and passion is music.

After he graduated, he started playing music professionally and then, like many of us, got his life turned upside down with COVID which impacted live music performances.

This is when he put his time to good use, by learning the basics of data analytics online, and landing a job a few months later in Atlanta, Georgia as a report developer/analyst. 

He was working with the US Air Force and with various government agencies such as the Department of Defense. 

Still, Robert knew that he wanted to grow his career even further. 

Striking the Wrong Chords: The Struggle

For Robert, the transition from music to data analytics was not a smooth ride. 

Despite his wealth of knowledge and expertise learned from self development and on the job skills, he struggled to secure interviews. It was as if his professional sheet music was written in a language recruiters couldn't comprehend. 

He faced the common hurdle many of you are familiar with, feeling like a worthy candidate overlooked in the vast sea of applications.

Discovering Wonsulting: Robert's First Steps to Success

Robert's encounter with Wonsulting wasn't happenstance—it was the universe tuning in to the right frequency. 

He learned about Wonsulting through a post about Jonathan and Jerry and their inspiring journeys as Asian Americans in the corporate world. 

As an Asian American himself, Robert felt an immediate connection. He saw the potential of Wonsulting's services and quickly signed up.

By taking advantage of Wonsulting’s Ultimate Bundle, Robert gained valuable insights on how to job search strategically through one-on-one coaching sessions with our Fortune 500 Career Consultants.

They assisted him in developing a networking plan, revising his LinkedIn profile, providing interview preparation, and, most importantly, revising his resume.

The Battle with the Resume: First Hurdles

One of Robert's initial hurdles was his resume. 

Previously his resume wasn’t correctly formatted, and the impacts of his past experiences were lost in a sea of vague descriptors. 

The struggle with his resume was real, but he wasn't ready to quit.

Through our Resume Revision service, we helped Robert turn his resume into a compelling career narrative, perfectly tuned to resonate with potential employers in the field of data analytics.

By following these 5 simple resume tips, Robert’s resume now utilized the XYZ format which is used in ATS systems. 

This XYZ format is a great way to show employers how you achieved a goal. 

To use it, start off with an action verb followed by an accomplishment, measurement, and an explanation of how you accomplished that goal.

Wonsulting's Resources: Tuning into Success

In addition to our Ultimate Bundle, Robert leveraged our extensive free resources on our social channels to fine-tune his job search.

Our comprehensive guides and templates streamlined his resume and LinkedIn profile, helping him highlight his skills and experiences with clarity. 

He also learned networking strategies that allowed him to create job opportunities effectively.

One of the networking strategies he used was building his own brand on LinkedIn which initially started on YouTube. He would create videos to showcase his work as part of a portfolio to land jobs. 

This grew to a more organized strategy of sharing tips and advice on LinkedIn every weekday about data analytics and data science. He engaged in comments consistently and grew his network.

Striking the Right Chord: Robert's Wonsulting Review and Success Story

Robert's dedication and strategic use of Wonsulting's services and free resources began to yield results. 

The crescendo of his journey was landing a coveted position as a Data Analyst at US Federal Solutions. His hard work, persistence, and intelligent use of our resources led to a successful transition into analytics.

The Wonsulting Review from Robert Benedict echoes a familiar tune to many from non-traditional backgrounds—struggle, persistence, and the sweet, harmonious sound of success.

Here are a few tips from Robert for job-seekers who might be going through the same struggle:

  1. Build a Brand/Network on LinkedIn: It's not just about having a LinkedIn profile; it's about actively participating and creating a professional brand. Engage with others, share your thoughts, and don't be afraid to show your passion for your industry.

  1. Build Relationships with Professionals in Your Industry: Networking isn't just about meeting as many people as possible; it's about forming meaningful connections. Building relationships with professionals in your industry can open up opportunities you wouldn't have thought existed.

  1. Treat Each Interview as a Learning Experience: Remember that each interview, whether successful or not, is an opportunity to learn and improve. Take away points from each one and apply them to the next. The skill of interviewing itself is one that can always be refined and enhanced.

Wonsulting is here to guide you on your career journey, just as we did for Robert. 

Sign up for our Ultimate Bundle today.

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