Top 5 In-Demand Skills Employers Want in 2023

Job Search


Are you feeling like your skills are falling behind the times? 

Then it's time to catch up because the future is here, and it's not waiting for anyone. 

We're going to reveal the top 5 in-demand skills for your resume that will help you stay ahead of the curve and set you apart from the competition.

These skills will make you a valuable asset to any team.

Top 5 In-Demand Skills for 2023

With every changing technology around every corner, it’s no wonder that employers are looking for people that have a good grasp of technical skills. But computers can’t do all the work. That’s why it’s important to know how to use technology as a tool to help you do your job.

These 5 in-demand skills will help you prove to employers that you have a good balance of computer skills and interpersonal skills that are key in today’s job market.

🤖 Augmented Working

Augmented working is the ability to use AI alongside your job duties. Over the past few months the AI wars have been heating up and it seems like there’s a new company that’s implementing AI into their products on a weekly basis.

It’s a no brainer that employers will be looking for future employees to work with AI tools. So, there’s no time like the present to start implementing AI products into your workflow.

To truly embrace augmented working you should have a general idea of how AI works, along with a good used of technical, critical thinking, adaptability, and collaboration skills.

📊 Analytical Skills

Analytical skills have always been a popular job skill. With the vast amount of data that companies are able to produce and collect, they’ll be needing people to analyze the results. 

Now, you might be thinking that computers can analyze much more data in a shorter amount of time than a human, which is true, but what computers lack are empathy and reasoning.

That’s where you come in.

You’ll need to know how to make sense of all the data and draw reasonable conclusions with actionable results. This can be a combination of hard and soft skills such as having high attention to detail, critical thinking, problem solving, and curiosity to uncover more insights to help the company.

💻 User Experience

In 2023 it’s possible to run an entire business online which is why user experience skills are important. You want to make sure that customers can easily access data online and have a good experience on your website. 

User experience, which is often referred to as UX, focuses on user research, user testing, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design. It requires a deep understanding of user behavior and psychology, as well as technical skills such as coding and prototyping.

A good user experience is essential to the success of any product or service, as it can impact user satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, sales. By focusing on the needs and preferences of users, UX designers can create products and services that are easy to use and offer value to customers.

🎭 Storytelling

Everyone loves a good story, but how you present your story can make all the difference. 

A good storyteller for businesses is someone who has the ability to engage, entertain, and inform their audience using the power of narrative. To be a good storyteller, you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience, their pain points, interests, and aspirations.

To master the art of storytelling you should be authentic, clear and concise, creative, have a good understanding of emotional intelligence, and be confident.

📱 Digital Marketing

Digital marketing combines tech, analytics, and creativity together to engage target audiences through online channels. This is a crucial part of any business to drive sales and increase revenue. 

Since digital marketing is such a broad spectrum, you might want to narrow your focus to a few key skills.

These can include: SEO, PPC advertising, content creation, social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing.

How to Digitally Upskill Yourself

While these skills may seem daunting to acquire, there are many resources available, from online courses to professional development programs, that can help you upskill yourself at your own pace.

Keep in mind that self studying requires discipline and a time commitment especially if you are studying and working at the same time. 


Coursera is an online learning platform based in the US that offers accredited courses, certifications, and degrees through over 200 universities.

You can earn a certification in social media marketing from Meta, learn data analytics from Google, or a full on Masters of Computer Science degree from Arizona State University.

These courses and certifications can take anywhere from 6 months to year or more.


Founded by a Turkish man by the name of Eren Bali, Udemy is a platform where skilled teachers can share their knowledge to the world on a subject that they are passionate and knowledgeable about.

You can learn a vast amount of skills from coding, marketing, user experience, e-commerce, and much more that will give you an edge in high tech digital marketing jobs. And the big plus about Udemy is that courses are offered in other languages, 75+ languages to be exact! As well as different languages offered for subtitles.

Users will pay per course and each course can range from 1 hour to 30+ hours of video content to watch. These courses are not accredited or offer certification, but rather a inexpensive way to learn something new.


Skillshare is similar to Udemy but offers an unlimited amount of courses for a monthly subscription.

In general, the courses offered on Skillshare are geared towards creatives and entrepreneurs. 

So, if you’re looking to develop skills in photography for social media, digital illustration for marketing, or creative writing for storytelling, Skillshare might be the learning platform for you.


If you ever wanted to learn the ins and outs of any topic from a successful, internationally recognized expert in the field, Masterclass is where you can find the answer.

You can learn leadership and creativity from the famous Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour or storytelling and writing from British author Neil Gaiman who wrote The Sandman.

Masterclass definitely brings a unique perspective to the online course options bringing years of truly success business ideas and stories right to your computer.

Content Creators 

Are there any content creators that you admire? 

Were you ever intrigued to learn about how Casey Neistat tells a story or how Peter McKinnon edits video and photography?

Why not consider learning from other content creators? Many of them have their own courses, usually on Skillshare or their own platform, where you can learn from them. 

The main benefit of using a course from a content creator is community. There is a fan base of other people wanting to learn the same things. This can be great for online learning because you can develop relationships with them and hold each other accountable while you are both going through the course.

How to Demonstrate In-Demand Skills on Your Resume

Ok, so you’ve completed a few onlines and have a good understanding of what you learned, but how do you show this on your resume?

Well, one thing is for sure, you need to show some examples!

Throughout the course, you may have been asked to do some assignments or a project. These are great examples to put on your resume. 

You’ll be able to make a portfolio of the work that you did and showcase this to employers. They’ll love to see how self-motivated and technologically proficient you are!

If you’re ever having trouble deciding what the perfect words and phrases to use are, ResumAI is a great tool to help you transform your new skills into magical ATS friendly bullet points.

And remember, don’t spend too much time watching online courses. 

You can watch all the videos on the Internet, and still not know what you are doing without actually doing it. That’s why it’s so important to practice these skills yourself by creating mini projects to show to employers.

WonsultingAI Won’t Let You Fall Behind Again

Now that you know the top 5 in-demand skills for 2023 and how to acquire them, it's time to take action and make yourself stand out from the competition. At Wonsulting, we're committed to helping you achieve your career goals by providing a range of products and services designed to give you the edge in today's ever-evolving job market.

WonsultingAI is our cutting-edge suite of tools, including ResumAI, CoverLetterAI, and NetworkAI, designed to help you showcase your newfound skills and present yourself in the best light possible. 

Let's take a closer look at how each of these tools can help you secure your dream job.


Our AI-powered resume builder and bullet point generator will help you create a compelling and ATS-friendly resume that highlights your technologically proficient skills, digital upskilling efforts, and achievements. Showcase your project portfolio, and emphasize the value you bring to potential employers with ResumAI.


A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in capturing the attention of hiring managers. With CoverLetterAI, you can create personalized and persuasive cover letters that emphasize your in-demand skills and demonstrate your passion for the role.


Networking is essential for landing your dream job, and NetworkAI makes it easier than ever. This AI-powered networking tool will help you identify key connections in your desired industry and provide personalized recommendations for reaching out to them, opening doors to new opportunities.

Aside from our AI-driven tools, Wonsulting offers a variety of career coaching services and resources to help you excel in your job search. From interview preparation and personal branding to LinkedIn profile optimization, our team of experts will guide you every step of the way.

The job market is constantly changing, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Don't let the opportunity slip away – invest in yourself and your future by leveraging Wonsulting's products and services to enhance your in-demand skills and secure the job of your dreams.

Get started today by visiting our services page and exploring our full range of offerings. 

Your future awaits, and with Wonsulting by your side, the possibilities are endless.

Ready to make your dream job a reality?

Get personal attention with each of our services, or join a community of learners in our online courses.

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