How Wonsulting Services Have Improved

Job Search

Jonathan Javier

Introduction: Why should someone sign up for Wonsulting Services?


Throughout the past 3 years, we at Wonsulting have been servicing clients to help them land their dream jobs coming from non-traditional backgrounds. In the past year, we’ve worked with 1,500+ clients to improve their resumes, job search strategies, and most of all, land into their careers as seen through our Wonsulting Success Stories.



However, with successful clients also comes mishaps. As a startup, we at Wonsulting are always thinking of ways to improve our services, whether it’s our quality, communication, success rate, or more. In this blog, I’ll talk more about how we’ve adapted to feedback from our Wonsulting clients and how we utilize Wonsulting reviews to improve our services to always be client first.



Wonsulting Services: What have we improved on in the past year? 


In the past year, we’ve received countless feedback messages about our services and how to improve them. We take each piece of feedback seriously, as we want to make the services the best they can be and make the biggest impact on our clients.


Because of the feedback and implementation, our success rates have improved to where they are now:


‍90% of our clients landing interviews within 3 months and 70% landing offers in <6 months.


How? Here are 4 of our main improvements throughout the past year:



1. Bundle Packages - One Career Consultant, Not Multiple


One of the biggest pieces of feedback we’ve received for our bundles is that there are too many pass offs between our career consultants.

For example, let’s say a client buys our most popular bundle package, the Ultimate Package, which consists of every individual service except cover letters.

This is how we used to do it:

  • First service: Career Consultation
  • Second service: Resume Revision
  • Third Service: LinkedIn Profile Revision
  • Fourth Service: Job Search Strategy
  • Fifth Service: AutoApply to Jobs
  • Sixth Service: Interview Preparation


During this process, there were delays with other services starting because one service had not been completed yet. Some of the reasons could be that there was too much back and forth with resume feedback, the others would be miscommunication between clients and their service providers when they were handed off from one career consultant to another. 


Thus, we decided to change this process. Instead of having multiple service providers conducting bundles for one client, we improved our client experience by having one career consultant for ALL their services (excluding AutoApply).


By doing this, we solve for the following problems:

  • Lower service delays with moving from one career consultant to another
  • Better communication between clients and career consultants
  • Quicker turnaround times between bundle services


In addition to this, each client who purchases any bundle will be given a dedicated Customer Happiness Manager from our team (Email: where they’ll be able to receive updates on their services or even give feedback. 






2. AutoApply Services Revamp


Our AutoApply service was implemented in the middle of 2022 because of the feedback we received from many of our followers, especially those who have full-time jobs and do not have time to apply to new ones. AutoApply solves this, as we apply to 50 jobs for you depending on what position and industry you’re interested in.


As we began to scale, some of our AutoApply clients didn’t have the best experience because we were applying to “hit or miss” roles: some roles would be exactly what our clients wanted, but others would be roles that weren’t necessarily tailored towards the positions they aspired to be in.


So we changed the process with AutoApply by implementing the following:

  • We tightened up our process by narrowing down what filters are critical for clients based on feedback we received.  
  • We now hone in on your years of experience, target job titles, and target job locations.  We’ve found this to not only improve the process, but also lead to clients hearing back from companies more quickly!
  • Thanks to the collaborative nature of our services between service providers and clients, the list revisions also go more smoothly, ensuring that the job application portion is done as quickly as possible.


Once the applications are done, you’re in the driver’s seat. Get ready to hear back from companies and continue expanding your network!








3. Quality of Service


Every single day, we’re thinking of ways to improve our quality of service, whether it’s better resume revamps or more effective job search strategies exclusive to clients. 


For example: For our Resume Revision, we received a 95% satisfaction rating from our clients. Although the majority were satisfied with their resume and receiving interviews after their revamp, we wanted to ensure that 100% of our clients are satisfied with each of our services. Thus, we implemented MANDATORY 1:1 meetings between clients and their resume writer before their resume is worked on and to ensure we are aligned with the client’s goals and positions they’re going for.


We now have this for each service. Rather than conducting services only through email, we want to ensure we’re always aligned with the best interests of our clients to land them the best opportunities possible.







4. Clear Packages Based on Years of Experience


In the beginning half of 2022, we had clients purchasing the “wrong tier” of our services because of how our wording was on our website.

Previously, our categories on our website consisted of Student, Early Career, and Professional, which was confusing to some clients because, for example, some clients would be going for their Masters yet had 5 years experience, which would then categorize them in Early Career; this would then cause friction between Wonsulting and clients because we’d have to pause services until our clients upgraded their services.


Fast forward to today and we’ve eliminated 99% of that friction by making our website clearer and services based on years of total experience.

Our categories now are as follows:

  • 0-1 years experience
  • 1-7 years experience
  • 7+ experience


By having our services based on total years of experience, we’ve seen a reduction in wrong tier purchases to eliminate any confusion with our clients. We’ve also given the option for clients to continue with the service without upgrading but in exchange would have a career consultant assigned who may not have as much experience based on the experience level they signed up for.








Conclusion: Should you sign up with Wonsulting?


So what should you sign up for on our website? Here’s what I recommend:


  • If you’re looking to take a self-service approach and land a job at your “own pace”, buy our online course. Our online course goes through the entire recruiting cycle, ranging from how to identify what your dream job is to negotiating your offer to receive the best compensation. 
  • If you’re looking to land a job in less than 3 months, sign up for our Wonsulting services. This is if you prefer more of a white glove service. We pair you with one of our Career Consultants who come from recruiting backgrounds and/or work at Fortune 500 companies. You’ll also get access to Continued Support, a guarantee that we will support you and guide you for as long as it takes you to get hired. It’s for our Ultimate and Land the Job Bundle clients, and all you need to do is schedule a 15-minute session with your career coach. Lastly, we’ve implemented affordable payment plans ranging from 3 month to 12 month payments!


All in all, you cannot go wrong with any of our offerings. Whether it's our online course, our 1:1 services, or ResumAI. We hope to see you sign up, and if you ever have any questions, feel free to sign up to speak with our sales team!


Let’s turn you from an underdog into a winner.


Jonathan Javier

Ready to make your dream job a reality?

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