How to Autofill Job Application Forms | Introducing AutoApplyAI by Wonsulting



Job applications got you in a rut?


We thought so.


That’s why we created a new way to help you land your dream job, headache free.


Introducing AutoApplyAI!

What is AutoApplyAI?


AutoApplyAI is our newest addition to the WonsultingAI suite of job search tools which uses the power of AI to help you land your dream job. 


It takes away time consuming job applications and lets you apply to jobs with the click of a button! It uses AI to autofill job application forms for you.


Benefits of Using AutoApplyAI

Time Saver ⏰

Nobody likes spending their time filling out applications online. No one.


That’s why AutoApplyAI is fully integrated with WonsultingAI. All our job search tools are meant to be used together for the best results. 


First, create tailored resumes by using our bullet point generator ResumAI. Next, complement your resume with a cover letter using CoverLetterAI. 


Then, use AutoApplyAI to find jobs that match your job criteria. Watch as we send everything off for you automatically while you network with recruiters on LinkedIn with the help of NetworkAI.


Automatically Tailoring Your Applications 💯

AutoApplyAI automatically chooses your best resume and cover lever to use in your job applications.


We even created a resume scoring system to let you know how you can improve your resume.


It will score your resume on 4 criteria:

  1. Bullet Point Content - How well do your bullet points use metrics and action verbs?
  2. Formatting - How easy is it to read your resume? Are your work experience and sections in the right order?
  3. Relevant Information - Are you missing any relevant information in your resume?
  4. Skills - Does your resume match keywords from the job description?


Pretty cool, right?


These tools are available on with our subscription model which has two tiers.



We believe that our tools should be free for everyone. Which is why we created a free tier. This tier is for those that are just getting started with their job search and lets you create enough material for you to get started.


The paid tier is for those that want to be a little more aggressive with their job search. This lets you have full access to all tools and lets you apply to 20 jobs a month using AutoApplyAI.


How to Use AutoApplyAI


Now that you’ve heard about all the juicy details, here's how it works:


  1. Head over to WonsultingAI to create an account. Choose AutoApplyAI and select “New Application.” Then fill in the details. You’ll also select which resume and cover letter you’d like to use.



We recommend starting off with a broad search. Start with something like "marketing," "software engineer," or "strategy."


After a few searches, you can start niching down to get more specific results.


  1. After we’ve scoured the job boards for your selected criteria, you’ll see jobs listed on this page.



  1. Here you’ll select which jobs you want to apply to. You can even click on each job title to read more about the position. When you’re ready, just click “Apply!”



  1. And there you go, you’ve applied to over 20+ jobs within a few minutes!



Your inbox will be flooded with “Thank you” emails in no time!





AutoApplyAI will change the way you apply to jobs forever. With our Premium Plan, you'll be able to apply to 100 jobs per month + 25 more jobs every week, making your monthly total = 200 jobs.


No more time wasted and no more frustration.


You'll be autofilling job application forms in a breeze.


Try out AutoApplyAI today to fast track your job search!


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